COVID-19: All Face-to-face Scouting Stopped.

In light of the current COVID-19 Pandemic, The Scout Association has announced that as of 16th March 2020, all Face-to-face Scouting activities must cease for an indefinite period.

Whilst we are unsure when things will get back to normal we would like to keep in regular contact with all our members and give everyone the opportunity to keep motivated and work at home towards various badges. All sections have been sent a workbook that they can work through to earn badges and we hope to continue to offer an exciting programme to our members through online mediums.

Due to this, we are most disappointed that we will likely be unable to take part in any camping activities which would usually be the highlight of Scouting, however don’t let this stop us, if over the next few months your Beaver/Cub/Scout would like to camp in your garden for a night or two but you don’t have a tent, let us know and we will arrange for you to borrow one of ours, you can take photos, keep a record of the activities they do and still earn badges.

Please all keep safe and section leaders will be in regular contact.  Please remember that our leaders are volunteers with their own families, work commitments and responsibilities and may not always be able to respond back to messages immediately, but will get back to you as soon as they can.

Any queries relating to the 9th Worthing (Heene) Scout Group response to COVID-19, please direct them initially to: